Mum had her friends come over to tea last Thursday. We sent out invites to about forty ladies, and around thirty showed up. It was very hectic beforehand -with ingredients falling short, tempers running high, Feepo the cat having "accidents" after the cleaning was done and Scoop the dog generally being a nuisance- but everything turned out well after all. =D The guests really loved our efforts: many of them ended up asking for doggie bags! =D
Remember how I said I get these obsessive phases? Now days it's table settings and decor =D I read up on buffet table settings and fall party decor. I even drew sketches for the settings, and made paper flowers and bought new candles. Like most meticulously crafted plans, it didn't turn out exactly the way I saw it in my head. But the guests weren't to know that. They loved it and that made me happy so yaay anyway =D =D
p.s. It looks waaay more christmas-y than how I envisaged it.
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